Friday, January 30, 2009

Where's The Desks?..(You know, like Where's The Beef?)...Sigh...Lame Joke

Hey all! Well, the first week of classes is officially over. Let me tell you, it has been one crazy week. My classes are amazing and I already feel like I'm learning so much. After this whole experience, it will be hard to return to Grace classes. I'll walk into a classroom full of desks and wonder where we're supposed to jump around and roll on the floor. I miss the people there, but I love all my classes here. I can't even decide which one I like the most. The homework is stuff I would normally do for fun! Wanna know what my history class is like? We sit around a table and discuss what we do and don't find funny. It's like a fun lunchtime conversation, except the head of the table is a brilliant author and improvisor, and I get grades for simply saying that I think Will & Grace has more worth than Shakespeare. Don't get me wrong. It really is hard work.

My acting prof is a mix between a drill sergeant and...and...and an old man that has travelled the world acquiring wisdom and hard drugs. Yeah. He's kind of like that. He asks questions that seem to have no answer, but we all desperately throw out suggestions, in hopes that we will land a right answer and win his everlasting love and affection. I am terrified of him, yet I desperately seek his approval. It was, of course, in his class that my cell phone went off. We were doing a silent focus and listening excercise, when I heard buzzing. I just knew it was mine. Gellman was sitting right beside my purse and I heard him mumble, "(explatives and the word "buzzing")." I wanted to disappear into the floor or run over and shove my phone down my throat. I suppose if I did the latter, that would not have solved the buzzing problem, but it sure would be a dramatic guesture. I will be more careful of that in the future.

My fellow comedy students and I have really been bonding this week. I really like everybody, and I know that some of the friendships made here are going to be long-term. In fact, we've been out together almost every night this week. Good times. Such good times. Aside from the bus not coming and having to split a taxi AGAIN at 2 in the morning, in one degree weather. These are the moments we'll remember. Hope you all are doing well and keeping warm, but don't worry. One out of two isn't bad. Love you all and have a lovely day!


  1. Why did the chicken cross the road, roll in the dirt, then cross the road again? She was a dirty double-crosser...
    Love you,

  2. really?!...i pour out the details of my life and i get a chicken crossed the road joke?!...*sigh* cut me deep...real deep...teehee...i'm over it

  3. Well, I can't compete with your awesomeness, so I have to resort to stealing other people's lame material. (The joke was in the "Coffee News".) I want to write something really clever to prove that I'M really your mother (and not Dolly Parton, as you suppose). You'd get more comments if you didn't intimidate everyone with your cleverness and beauty! Love you!
