Monday, March 29, 2010

Cult Life and Reality Shows...Intrigued Yet?

Hey all!

I'm back! I would like to blame my long hiatus on something legitimate, such as maternity leave or incarceration, but alas, that is not the case. So, as usual, I am forced to make something up. In October, shortly after my last post, I joined a cult. The cult's very first commandment was thou shalt not blog. I followed the group religiously, also following the other commandments closely:

Thou shalt not start working at homework at a reasonable hour.
Thou shalt not reach they goal weight.
Thou shalt not pick thy clothes off the floor until they are an unmanageable pile.
Thou shalt not have more than one good hair day a week.

and most importantly...

Thou shall make up ridiculous excuses that go into far too much detail upon being foolish, lazy, or simply failing to complete a basic and fun task, such as blogging.

Turns out cult life wasn't for me, but there, friends, is my perfectly legitimate excuse. Now on to bigger and better things...

Yesterday, I spent the day in Chicago auditioning for the new NBC reality show, "The Next Great American Restaurant." My mom and I stood out in the cold for over five hours for me to have less than three minutes of camera time. I pitched my idea and won't know anything officially for about a month.

When we first got there, I felt horribly unprepared. Because I have just been busy directing the high school musical at Northfield High School, I had no time to really prepare a fancy pitch. I had no visuals or anything to stand I just wore a really low cut shirt. Just kidding, of course. I went completely topless. ;) There were a lot of people there with briefcases and fancy heels and costumes and poster boards. It felt much like showing up to a fencing match armed with a toothpick. My pitch itself, though very quick, went well and I feel good about my application, so I think there's a slight chance. I do realize, however, that thousands of people are trying out for this thing, most of whom are likely more prepared. Oh well. If this doesn't work out, maybe they'll still be really impressed with my application and give me a show where fat, funny bachelors compete for my heart. Yup. I've got my future pretty much planned. :) Have a lovely day and check back soon!

Keep on truckin'!