Monday, February 16, 2009

The Only Difference Between Me and A Drunken Midget is Alcohol

Hey all! I suppose it's time for another update, well, not so much as time for an update, but time to do something that is not my homework. The funny thing is, it's incredibly simple work. All I have to do is write a page (double spaced) about how I would do a particular excercise differently. I'm pretty sure it will take about ten minutes, but I'd rather update you fine people. Yeah, I'm talkin' to you. I said you're fine, and I meant it.

Classes are still going along splendidly. In improv we're working on audience involvment scenes, which has been a lot of fun. It's fun to just play an innocent audience member sometimes, without the pressure of having to be funny. I can just be one of the common people. Of course, I can only do that for so long. Then I need the attention back on me.

The next assigment is to bring in a piece of paper, on which we've written our biggest acting struggle. As soon as Norm gave the assignment, I knew what I was going to write. Can you guess? If you've ever spoken to me, you should definitely know it. The class is going to be guessing whose is whose, and I'm guessing it will take about .2 seconds for them to know which one's mine. I talk too fast; way too fast. I really try to slow down, but I just can't seem to slow my pace, but Norm promised he's going to help us with whatever our flaw is. If he can get me talking at a normal pace, the man would deserve an award. If you don't know what I'm talking about as far as the way I talk, think of it this way. I could read this post to you faster than you can say "auctioneer."

Our next big performance piece is "Silent Film." We will be performing them live, but in the style of silent film acting. Should be interesting. Hey! This is one exercise that I can't screw up by speaking too fast!!

On Friday, I went to a show called, "Baby Wants Candy," which is a fully improvised musical based on a title the audience gives the actors at the beginning of the show. The night I went, they took the suggestion of "Harry Potter in the Hood." It was Harry and friends against the villainous Margaret Thatcher and other key historical British leaders. Hysterical. The cast was beyond amazing. Also, on the train on the way to the show, I was entertained by three very loud drunken midgets. Only in the big city, my friends. Only in the big city.

I hope you all had a lovely Valentines Day. I know I did. I was gonna go out with some girls, but Casey had to work and everyone else had different stuff going on or was out of town. So, I did what every proud single girl does on a holiday that tells you that if you're single, you will surely die alone. I made myself and entire pizza and cake and watched "The Notebook." Don't judge. I'm still working on the cake. Oh yes. I should also mention, I spent the whole day in my underwear. It was one of those "celebrate independence, while simultaneously practice living alone" type of days. Good times.

Well, I suppose I should go write that whole page paper. Why is my life so hard? Oh, wait. I remember now. It's not hard at all. I'm living my dream in Chicago and having the absolute time of my life. Have a lovely day. Keep on truckin'!


  1. Your valentine's day sounds awesome! I bet it'll be super hard to go back to Grace. How's stuff on the job front coming along?

  2. It took me less than .2 seconds to figure out what you think your flaw is. It's a gift; you just have to decide when to use it, and when to keep it wrapped up with a pretty bow. Love you!
