Sunday, November 21, 2010

Back In The Game...Ewww...Sports Reference

I said I was going to try to be in bed before midnight tonight. Like dieting, working out, and being offered a prime time talk show, that didn't happen. What is going to happen, however, is long, long overdue. (These next few sentences were rewritten several times, each time lamer and less funny than the last. Apparently, my comedy writing muscles have atrophied and I'm going to need to lift some serious humor to get them going again. So here's the straight info: I am blogging again.)

After a few stretches and some comedy related calisthenics, I'm ready to begin. Let's start with a life update, shall we? Here are some highlights since my last blog post...

-I have graduated from Grace College and moved to Chicago to pursue my comedy dreams...which means I'm currently a waitress.

-I live in a fabulous apartment with the most wonderful roommate I could ask for. He is a singer/dancer/actor and he's going to teach me to tap dance on our tile floor. We have fun here.

-I am waiting tables at Mity Nice in Water Tower Place. Don't correct me on the spelling. It's really called "Mity." They won't tell me why. I'm thinking the answer must be tied to the CIA or something.

-I am dating an amazing man named Dave Beattie. (Mostly for his body, but his personality is okay, too.) He has recently joined the Navy, and as a result, you will get the pleasure of my posts weeping and wailing about his absence.

I'm going to keep this post shortish for now. It is my goal to continue blogging faithfully, at least a few posts a week. So, please come back and continue to follow me and my wacky tales of Chicago life. Who knows? Maybe I'll even have a hilarious story about being mugged or tackled by a homeless person. This is an exciting city. Until next time, have a lovely day and keep on truckin'!

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