Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Like The Warsaw Library Book I Still Have, I'm Overdue.

If my blog was Blockbuster, I'd have thousands of fees, because I am WAY overdue. So, here, for your reading pleasure, here are my life updates, in easy to read bullet point form...because paragraphs are cumbersome.

-I attended a hip hop dance class with Ryan. While it was a good workout, my dreams of being a backup dancer for Beyonce have been forever dashed.

-I attended a Core Fusion class with Ryan. Also a good workout. I should be able to walk and move my arms again soon.

-I finished a four week run at The Second City in a writing 6 show called "Ro Ro Ro Your Bot." Get it? Like boat? But it's bot. Teehee. Very good times.

-Dave left for boot camp at Great Lakes and, as a result, I'm throwing myself into my writing...about once every thirteen weeks.

-In Dave's absence, I'm attempting to lose a fair amount of weight. This means eating actual serving sizes of healthy food and working out. This means if I'm not Kate Moss skinny in the next few weeks, I'm throwing in the towel and moving into a Dunkin Donuts.

-I have had visits from my dad, Ashlee Lane, my mom, and Dave's family. All of the visits were happy distractions from my swirling vortex of misery and loneliness.

-Things are great at work and I'm making thousands of dollars a shift.

-I've been lying more lately.

-I'm working on getting famous, but like a wise man once said, "If you're not wildly successful by the age of thirty, go ahead and give up and live under an overpass." That wise man was living under an overpass...and maybe not as wise as originally anticipated.

-On a related note, I'm having a hard time getting picked up by an agent. Apparently, there are about 15 billion blonde, white girls trying to make it in show business...in Chicago. I'm considering dying my hair red and gaining 400 pounds...you know...to stand out.

-I'm working on a new blog in addition to this one, based on my experience as a waitress. Since I barely post on this blog, both blogs should be updated constantly, each time with comic gold.

-I've been lying more lately.

Thanks everyone for checking in and try to stay warm out there! (Although by the time most people read this it will be summer, and therefore much easier.) Have a lovely day and keep on truckin'!

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