I hate beginning every post with, "Sorry, it's been so long..." so, I won't. How about, "I apologize for letting so much time pass between posts." Yes. I think that varies it a bit. Now on to more important things.
Here's a quick update on all the things I mentioned in my last post. The silent film scene went very well. Everyone enjoyed our bits and while I don't exactly think I have a career in silent film, I think my group did a great job. Nothing funnier than a mistaken identity, an injured waiter, and a high energy chase scene!
Remember those props I was to bring to Andy's class a couple weeks ago? Well, I ened up using a zebra clock, a tiny iron, and a stuffed pygmy goat. From those props, three characters developed; Flamer Flave, the gay rapper, La Petite french maid, and the farmer who raised only midget animals. Sound strange? That is because I go to comedy school. It's clown college without the face paint.
Since my last post, I made my first trip back to Warsaw. I had an absolutely wonderful time with all my friends, and I was so glad I got to go to David's art show. That kid is amazing and I can't wait to be his date to the Tony's when he's up for Scenic Design. Ummm. Don't tell him I said that. He doesn't know he's taking me yet.
Last week, we continued to work on our Second City sketches for Gellman's class. On Tuesday, after class, I was almost ready to give up on acting entirely. I was so nervous, I was dropping lines and completely missing reactions that could have been great comedic moments. Because that was such a horrible embarrassing failure, I worked really hard on my scripts and by Thursday, Gellman even handed me a compliment or two. Granted, he didn't exactly call me brilliant yet, but doggoneit, that man will love me by the end of this semester. He'd better not make me start singing Dreamgirls style, but I will go Effie on him if necessary.
I think I may have met my future husband at Jewel the other day. On Wednesday, I was watching TV online and a commercial for fish sticks came on. Well, it did it's job, because I started craving fish sticks something awful, so I went to Jewel after school on Thursday. As I stood in front of the fish stick wall, talking to Tim on the phone, this incredibly handsome guy walked past. He stopped about one fridge over, looking at burgers. I was telling Tim that I had gotten a text in Gellman's class, but did not text back, because I did not dare get out my cell phone in his class. Then, something magical happened. The hot guy stopped, looked at me and said, "Excuse me, but are you talking about Michael Gellman?" I almost dropped the phone. "Y...yes." I wrote it that way, because it gets across the point that I stammered like an idiot. "I took classes from him, too," he said. Completely ignoring my poor brother on the phone, I managed to spit out, "I'm in Comedy Studies." He smiled the most beautiful smile and answered, "I did Comedy Studies, too. Tell Gellman Gabe said hi." Resuming my conversation with Tim was almost impossible. I'm glad that attractive guys make me an incoherent mess. I'm sure that will help me meet men in the future. *Sigh*
In other news about my charisma and grace, I had a couple of friends from Grace visit this past weekend. I didn't know quite when their train was getting in, so I went to Borders and found a great spot in a corner windowsill to read. I was there for about an hour and a half, and while my bum hurt, I wasn't too uncomfortable. After reading for so long, I thought I'd just walk around for a bit. There were about 5 people in the aisle facing my windowsill. When I hopped up to walk away, I took a step and learned that my legs had fallen asleep. I collapsed loudly into a bookshelf. A woman asked if I was ok and told her that I was fine, and only my pride was hurt. The worst part was that I could not casually walk away as it took some time to get blood back into my legs, so I was stuck gripping onto a bookshelf for dear life. I had to pretend I was actually shopping the wall of Obama biographies. I must have looked like a drunken liberal. My father would be so proud.
Well, apparently, when I don't write for a while, I end up writing gosh awful long posts. I hope you've been attentive enough to get through it. If you have, wonderful. If you haven't, well, there's no point in scolding you, since clearly you're not reading this. It will not be that long before I post again. For real. Believe me. Check back in again soon for a nice fresh post. I'll try to be a better blogger to you all. Have a lovely day. Keep on truckin'!
My sweet daughter, I doubt that you have a career in silent anything. BTW--you need to make a Flamer Flave puppet. I need to meet this guy! I'll bet he's a blast at a party!